
Disconnect and Mistaken Account Restrictions Resolved on 1/18 (Wed)
Jan 19, 2023 5,031

Known Issues KartRider Drift

Hey Racers!

We have discovered an issue that caused some players to disconnect and mistakenly have matchmaking restrictions/bans applied again. This error has been resolved as of Wednesday, January 18th at 10:00 PM PST.

While we tried to fix this data setting error completely last time, the issue has been discovered unexpectedly. 

We sincerely apologize to any Racers affected once again.

[Solved - Disconnect / Restriction Issue due to Data Error]

  • Issue Details
    • Some Racers experienced a disconnect followed by matchmaking restrictions due to a data setting error
  • Recipients of Compensation
    • Racers who were unable to access the game due to these restrictions
  • Compensation Details
    • Affected Racers will receive 2,000 Lucci.
    • Compensation will be sent to the Mailbox and must be claimed within 30 days.