
Northeu Patch Notes
Mar 19, 2024 5,965

Northeu Patch Notes KartRider Drift

Table of Contents


New Updates

Personal Shop

Personal Shop KartRider Drift

  • The Personal Shop has been added, where you can buy items that have previously been sold in the Item Shop.
    • You can access your Personal Shop from [ Shop – Personal Shop ].
    • The list of available items refreshes every 24 hours. You can also spend 100 Mileage to refresh immediately.
      • When you use Mileage to refresh your product list, your next free automatic refresh will happen 24 hours after that point.
    • Up to 10 items appear at once, which can be purchased for either K-COIN or Mileage.
      • The list of products and their pricing may differ between Racers.
      • Items you already own will not appear in the Personal Shop. If you have the entire collection, you will not be able to enter Personal Shop.

New Theme and Tracks

10 New Northeu Theme Tracks:

  • Northeu: Faraway Planet

    Northeu: Faraway Planet KartRider Drift

    • Difficulty:
    • Supported Game Modes: Item and Speed Mode
  • Northeu: Cosmoway

    Northeu: Cosmoway KartRider Drift

    • Difficulty: ★★
    • Supported Game Modes: Item and Speed Mode
  • Northeu: Hoppin' and Jumpin'

    Northeu: Hoppin' and Jumpin' KartRider Drift

    • Difficulty: ★★
    • Supported Game Modes: Item and Speed Mode
  • Northeu: Perilous Shortcuts

    Northeu: Perilous Shortcuts KartRider Drift

    • Difficulty: ★★
    • Supported Game Modes: Speed Mode
  • Northeu: Spaceport Launchpad

    Northeu: Spaceport Launchpad KartRider Drift

    • Difficulty: ★★
    • Supported Game Modes: Item and Speed Mode
  • Northeu: Path in the Sky

    Northeu: Path in the Sky KartRider Drift

    • Difficulty: ★★★
    • Supported Game Modes: Item and Speed Mode
  • Northeu: Fighter Airfield

    Northeu: Fighter Airfield KartRider Drift

    • Difficulty: ★★★
    • Supported Game Modes: Speed Mode Only
  • Northeu: Sky Way

    Northeu: Sky Way KartRider Drift

    • Difficulty: ★★★
    • Supported Game Modes: Speed Mode Only
  • Northeu: Space 101

    Northeu: Space 101 KartRider Drift

    • Difficulty: ★★★★
    • Supported Game Modes: Speed Mode Only
  • Northeu: Express

    Northeu: Express KartRider Drift

    • Difficulty: ★★★★★
    • Supported Game Modes: Speed Mode Only

New Characters

Three characters from beyond the stars have been added to KartRider: Drift! These characters will be available through the Item Shop, and you can learn more about them through the in-game [Item Mode Skill] menu, or in the Character Skills Encyclopedia.


Taki Northeu Patch Notes
"No one will get in the way of dreams, not even my father!"

Rivaski’s son, Taki has developed a large range of emotions from his time on Earth that far surpasses his father.  He wants to be the best racer in the universe, and has set his antennae on the less advanced planet of Earth, because of its collection of excellent racers.

Active Skill: Lightstone Boost (Intermediate): Taki processes the energy extracted from the Lightstone to provide a boost effect to nearby Racers. If Taki does not apply the boost effect to the opposing team, Taki will receive the Boost.


Erini Northeu Patch Notes
"Do I... like Taki...?"

This empathetic girl has protected Taki ever since they were children. Under her cute exterior lurks a blunt personality, but she always has a soft spot for her childhood friend and perceives Taki as a weakling who needs to be protected. She hasn't been racing as long as Taki, but she's so talented that Taki is actually jealous of her. When they're not racing, Taki is helping Erini get better at expressing her feelings.

Active Skill: Lightstone Shield (Beginners): Erini manipulates energy from the powerful Lightstone to help her new friends! A shield zone is placed in the direction Erini is facing, which grants Shields to her teammates and removes Shields and Angel Armor effects from her opponents.


Rivaski Northeu Patch Notes
"My friend... How could I forget you?"

This eccentric engineer is the head of Northeu's fighter space station. After many years off-planet, he returned one day in a kart powered by Lightstone and restored peace to Northeu in its times of need. Though he was once an ally to Earthlings, even carrying an old friend's helmet with him at all times, his attitude lately has turned quite hostile.

Passive Skill: Clairvoyance (Beginners): Utilizing Planet Northeu's superior technology, Rivaski has invented a scanner that reveals his opponent's items! Obtain a scanner that displays the items of each racer directly in front of and behind him. Rivaski gains scanners after a set amount of time passes.

New Bonus Tickets

  • Four new Bonus Tickets have been added:
    • Proficiency 100% Bonus Ticket: Increase the Proficiency reward for completing races by 100%

      Proficiency 100% Bonus Ticket KartRider Drift

    • RP & Proficiency 100% Bonus Ticket: Increase the RP and Proficiency rewards for completing races by 100%

      RP & Proficiency 100% Bonus Ticket KartRider Drift

    • Lucci & Proficiency 100% Bonus Ticket: Increase the Lucci and Proficiency rewards for completing races by 100%

      Lucci & Proficiency 100% Bonus Ticket KartRider Drift

    • RP & Lucci & Proficiency 100% Bonus Ticket: Increase the RP, Lucci, and Proficiency rewards for completing races by 100%

      RP & Lucci & Proficiency 100% Bonus Ticket KartRider Drift


Game Balance Changes


  • Karts are now classified into three groups, based on their Drift and Boost Acceleration:
    • Speed Type: Boost Acceleration > Drift Acceleration
    • Balanced Type: Boost Acceleration = Drift Acceleration
    • Drift Type: Boost Acceleration < Drift Acceleration

Character Skills

  • Character Skills have been added for the following characters.
Character Category Difficulty Skill Name Description
Viktor Active Skill Intermediate Terrible Time Bomb Viktor places a bomb on a selected opponent that eventually explodes, hitting all nearby Racers with an explosion.
Ethen Passive Skill Intermediate Ethen's Book Club Water Wisps have a chance to turn into Books when obtained. When used, Books temporarily stuns opponents and drops them if they're caught in mid-air. This effect gets stronger depending on how far the opponent is from Ethen.
Derek Passive Skill Expert Extreme Velocity When driving above 100km/h, Derek's default speed is increased in levels, up to a max of level 3. His speed level resets when he encounters driving interference, if his item slots get too heavy, or drives below 50km/h.
Mobi Passive Skill Expert Sleight of Hand The skill activates at a set interval, providing a Boost effect. If he collides with an opponent who has an item while boosting, he duplicates the opponent's item. However, he can only duplicate items that can be obtained from the Item Box.
BLACKPINK JISOO Passive Skill Beginner JISOO's Escape Plan JISOO never hesitates to use the art of escape she's learned as a member of BLACKPINK to win the race! When she is trapped in a water effect, JISOO can immediately escape for a limited number of times.
BLACKPINK JENNIE Passive Skill Beginner JENNIE's Water Blast JENNIE is ready to use some special ammunition to win the race for BLACKPINK! Obtaining a Water Bomb exchanges it for a Water Bomb Bouquet which throws several Water Bombs at once.
BLACKPINK ROSÉ Passive Skill Beginner ROSÉ's Promise ROSÉ has a chance to win it all for BLACKPINK after she made a mysterious promise to the water fairy! ROSÉ may obtain either a Water Bomb or Water Wisp, depending on which type of item or skill she blocked or was hit by.
BLACKPINK LISA Passive Skill Beginner LISA's Willpower Whenever things get tough, LISA gives it her all to score a victory for BLACKPINK! LISA has a chance to obtain a Boost when she is hit with an item or skill.
  • Active Skill cooldowns have been reduced by 5% between all grades of character outfits.
    • Developer's Note: During the initial planning stage, we decided to set the minimum unit of cooldown reduction for active skills to 1 seconds, which decreases as the Outfits' tier increases. However since the ratio of reduction was not uniform, there was an issue of outfits for some characters not being as useful as they should be. To resolve this issue, we decided to apply 5% reduction rate across the board. All skills' basic cooldown lengths have been adjusted accordingly, either increased or decreased.

Active Skill Changes:

  • Balloon Blast (Bazzi):
    • Water Balloons will now be displayed in team colors, and can interact with certain objects on the track.
    • The longer that Bazzi spins the Water Balloon, longer the target Racer will be trapped in Water Prison.
    • Water Balloons stay on tracks for a longer period of time.
    • Skill cooldowns are displayed in decimal units, and have been changed to:
      • Common: 18s, 9s after first use per race (Unchanged)
      • Fine: 17.1s, 8.5s after first use per race (Previously 17s / 9s)
      • Rare: 16.2s, 8.1s after first use per race (Previously 16s / 8s)
      • Heroic: 15.3s, 7.6s after first use per race (Previously 15s / 8s)
      • Legendary: 14.4s, 7.2s after first use per race (Previously 14s / 8s)
    • Developer's Note: Bazzi's skill is to throw a Water Balloon to a faraway target, and apply Water Bomb effect to them. Since the skill was designed to deter opponents outside of certain distance, we initially designed it so the Water Bomb can also affect the caster. However, since it was really difficult to hit a target with the skill with minimal impact, we decided to buff this skill.

      Bazzi's Water Bombs will now stay on tracks for longer. And the longer the throw was to hit the target with Water Balloon, the longer the target will now stay in Water Prison. Since it is much more likely to miss when you aim far away targets, the caster and ally racers will not be trapped in Water Prison longer than the default time.
  • Leave Me Alone (Sophia):
    • The magnet effect can now be deactivated, and the effects of the equipped balloons can also be momentarily paused.
    • Skill cooldowns have been reduced for all ranks:
      • Common: 15s, 7.5s after first use per race (Previously 17s / 9s)
      • Fine: 14.2s, 7.1s after first use per race (Previously 16s / 9s)
      • Rare: 13.4s, 6.7s after first use per race (Previously 15s / 8s)
      • Heroic: 12.6s, 6.3s after first use per race (Previously 14s / 8s)
      • Legendary: 11.8s, 5.9s after first use per race (Previously 13s / 7s)
    • Developer's Note: Sophia's skill is designed to remove buffs from nearby opponents. Although it has the ability to remove Angel, Shield, and Booster buffs, the timing is hard to get right, and the effect of the skill was too weak to be useful, which resulted in an overall improvement. Firstly, the skill now includes the capability to remove magnet acceleration effect of and temporarily deactivate balloon effects. We added magnet acceleration since it is close to booster acceleration, and by temporarily deactivating the effects of various balloon items, it opens up possibilities for synergy with other items or skills. Furthermore, the cooldown time has been improved, allowing for more frequent use of the skill.
  • Ghosted (Spirit Kid):
    • Camera movement while the skill is being used has been improved to feel more natural.
    • Skill cooldowns are displayed in decimal units, and have been changed to:
      • Common: 17s, 8.5s after first use per race (Previously 17s / 9s)
      • Fine: 16.1s, 8s after first use per race (Previously 16s / 9s)
      • Rare: 15.2s, 7.6s after first use per race (Previously 15s / 8s)
      • Heroic: 14.3s, 7.1s after first use per race (Previously 14s / 8s)
      • Legendary: 13.4s, 6.7s after first use per race (Previously 13s / 7s)
  • Leaps & Bounds (Dao):
    • Skill cooldowns have been increased for all ranks:
      • Common: 17s (Previously 14s)
      • Fine: 16.1s (Previously 13s)
      • Rare: 15.2s (Previously 12s)
      • Heroic: 14.3s (Previously 11s)
      • Legendary: 13.4s (Previously 10s)
    • Developer's Note: Dao's skill enables the ability to zoom through the track rapidly in high synergy with track situations and other skills and items. Because of Leaps & Bounds' characteristics, it has been used to mitigate the effects of enemy items or skills, resulting in Dao showing a higher win rate compared to other characters. Consequently, a nerf was deemed necessary. However, we are still aiming to make Dao's skill usage fun, so rather than altering the power of jumping itself, we are increasing its cooldown time to decrease the overall frequency of use.
  • Greed on the High Seas (Lodumani):
    • Skill cooldowns are displayed in decimal units, and have been changed to:
      • Common: 27s (Unchanged)
      • Fine: 25.6s (Previously 26s)
      • Rare: 24.2s (Previously 25s)
      • Heroic: 22.2s (Previously 24s)
      • Legendary: 21.4s (Previously 23s)
  • HexaDraw (Miso):
    • Skill cooldowns have been decreased for all ranks:
      • Common: 25s (Previously 31s)
      • Fine: 23.7s (Previously 30s)
      • Rare: 22.4s (Previously 29s)
      • Heroic: 21.1s (Previously 28s)
      • Legendary: 19.8s (Previously 27s)
    • Developer's Note: Miso's skill is designed to pull opponents towards herself to bother enemy racers. While we think it is a powerful ability for bothering leading competitors like Dao, shield or angel items are enough to defend against it. Given its long cooldown time, it has been deemed necessary to buff this skill to fulfill its designed role. Therefore, the cooldown time of the skill has been improved, allowing for more frequent usage.
  • Banana Hack (Kris):
    • The item selected to turn into a Banana will now be highlighted for the target on their screen. After a set amount of time, if the altered item has not been used, it will turn into bananas.
    • If the target hit by the skill does not possess any items, the attack will fail.
    • Defense items will be removed.
    • Skill cooldowns have been reduced for all ranks:
      • Common: 21s (Previously 26s)
      • Fine: 19.9s (Previously 25s)
      • Rare: 18.8s (Previously 24s)
      • Heroic: 17.7s (Previously 23s)
      • Legendary: 16.6s (Previously 22s)
    • Developer's Note: Kris's skill is designed to transform the opponent's items into bananas to hinder them. When the skill is activated, the opponents start getting hacked, and upon completion, one of their held items is changed into a banana item. However, due to the fact that you can use shield or angel items  for defense during hacking, Kris's skill has been utilized not only to change opponent's items but also to neutralize enemy shields or angels before using attacking items right after. This versatility made Kris too powerful and overlap with Sophia, necessitating adjustments. Now, Kris's skill selects the item to be transformed into a banana at the beginning of the hacking process. If there are no items available for transformation or if the selected item has been used before the hacking completes, the hacking will immediately fail. There is no need to defend with shield or angel items; simply using an item will abort the racer from hacking. Additionally, with the simplification of the deactivation, the cooldown time has been decreased.
  • Brodi's Boost Zone (Brodi):
    • Skill cooldowns are displayed in decimal units, and have been changed to:
      • Common: 19s, 9.5s after first use per race (Previously 17s / 9s)
      • Fine: 18.s, 9s after first use per race (Unchanged)
      • Rare: 17s, 8.5s after first use per race (Previously 17s / 8s)
      • Heroic: 16s, 8s after first use per race (Unchanged)
      • Legendary: 15s, 7.5s after first use per race (Previously 15s / 8s)
  • Help Me, Sweeper! (Tobi):
    • Skill description has been revised with more specific details.
    • Skill cooldowns are displayed in decimal units, and have been changed to:
      • Common: 18s, 9s after first use per race (Previously 18s / 11s)
      • Fine: 17.1.s, 8.5s after first use per race (Previously 17s / 11s)
      • Rare: 16.2s, 8.1s after first use per race (Previously 16s / 10s)
      • Heroic: 15.3s, 7.6s after first use per race (Previously 15s / 10s)
      • Legendary: 14.4s, 7.2s after first use per race (Previously 14s / 9s)
  • Awful Avalanche (Vivi):
    • Skill hit animation has been slightly changed.
    • Skill cooldowns are displayed in decimal units, and have been changed to:
      • Common: 22s (Unchanged)
      • Fine: 20.9s (Previously 21s)
      • Rare: 19.8s (Previously 20s)
      • Heroic: 18.7s (Previously 19s)
      • Legendary: 17.6s (Previously 18s)
  • Slippery Snowflake (Pim):
    • Skill cooldowns are displayed in decimal units, and have been changed to:
      • Common: 22s (Unchanged)
      • Fine: 20.9s (Previously 21s)
      • Rare: 19.8s (Previously 20s)
      • Heroic: 18.7s (Previously 19s)
      • Legendary: 17.6s (Previously 18s)
  • Old Money (Mayor Zipi):
    • If the defense is successful, the cooldown time will be reduced.
    • Skill cooldowns are displayed in decimal units, and have been changed to:
      • Common: 15s, 7.5s after first use per race (Previously 16s / 8s)
      • Fine: 14.2.s, 7.1s after first use per race (Previously 15s / 8s)
      • Rare: 13.4s, 6.7s after first use per race (Previously 14s / 7s)
      • Heroic: 12.6s, 6.3s after first use per race (Previously 13s / 7s)
      • Legendary: 11.8s, 5.9s after first use per race (Previously 12s / 6s)
    • Developer's Note: Mayor Zipi's skill is a short-duration shield that can be used at precise moments during attacks. While it's thrilling to use the skill, it has been determined that the reward for success is too small compared to the difficulty involved. Therefore, the cooldown time has been slightly improved, and a new feature to decrease cooldown time by successful use of the skill. Now, if you got the hands for it, you can block more than ever.
  • Wave of Justice (Neo):
    • The racer hit by the Wave of Justice will now be able to use their booster immediately after landing.
    • Skill cooldowns are displayed in decimal units, and have been changed to:
      • Common: 10s, 5s after first use per race (Unchanged)
      • Fine: 9.5s, 4.7s after first use per race (Previously 9s / 5s)
      • Rare: 9s, 4.5s after first use per race (Previously 8s / 4s)
      • Heroic: 8.5s, 4.2s after first use per race (Previously 7s / 4s)
      • Legendary: 8s, 4s after first use per race (Previously 6s / 3s)
    • Developer's Note: Neo's skill is a crowd control skill that knocks back opponents in the vicinity, based on a short cooldown. It has been deemed necessary to make adjustments because it was fun skill to use but a frustrating skill to get hit with. We considered adjustments such as increasing cooldown time, weakening knockback intensity, and also impacting the caster, but concerns were raised about compromising the essential fun of the skill. Therefore, the adjustment has been made in the direction of reducing the damage to hit Racers. Hit racers can use the booster immediately upon landing too. As a result, Racers hit by Neo's skill can return to the race more quickly, even after being hit.
  • Prettion Power (Tiera):
    • Skill cooldowns are displayed in decimal units, and have been changed to:
      • Common: 21s, 10.5s after first use per race (Previously 21s / 11s)
      • Fine: 19.9s, 9.9s after first use per race (Previously 20s / 11s)
      • Rare: 18.8s, 9.4s after first use per race (Previously 19s / 10s)
      • Heroic: 17.7s, 8.8s after first use per race (Previously 18s / 10s)
      • Legendary: 16.6s, 8.3s after first use per race (Previously 17s / 9s)
  • Explosive Butterflies (Lucid):
    • When used simultaneously with Siren, this skill will now be considered an attack.
    • Skill cooldowns are displayed in decimal units, and have been changed to:
      • Common: 28s (Unchanged)
      • Fine: 26.6s (Previously 27s)
      • Rare: 25.2s (Previously 26s)
      • Heroic: 23.8s (Previously 25s)
      • Legendary: 22.4s (Previously 24s)

Passive Skill Changes:

  • Competitive Spirit (Diz): The skill effect will now also activate upon being hit.
  • Fan Service (Rave): Skill description has been revised with more specific details.
  • Hydrophile (Martin): Skill description has been revised with more specific details.
  • Attack Reflection (Pink Bean): Skill activation animation has been slightly changed.
  • Water Bomb Bouquet (Airi): Airi will now start each race with a Water Bomb Bouquet equipped.
  • Breaking Through (Orion):
    • Skill description has been revised with more specific details.
    • Skill now also defends against Neo's "Wave of Justice" skill.
    • Skill Activation count has been reduced by 1 for all ranks:
      • Common: 10 Times (Previously 11)
      • Fine: 11 Times (Previously 12)
      • Rare: 12 Times (Previously 13)
      • Heroic: 13 Times (Previously 14)
      • Legendary: 14 Times (Previously 15)
    • Developer's Note: Orion's skill are designed to bypass barricades and Tobi's skill and charge forward. Designed as a suitable character for novice racers due to its ability to ignore certain obstacles, although the number of uses are limited. However, as the quantity of barricades placed on tracks during races are limited, it has been deemed necessary to provide additional buff. In order to address this issue, the skill now ignores of Neo's skill 'Wave of Justice,' which is one of the more challenging skills to deal with. This provides a good choice for novice racers who may not be familiar with item transformation or Neo's skill.
  • Boost Flex (Marid):
    • Skill driving time is reduced for all ranks:
      • Common: 30s (Previously 43s)
      • Fine: 29s (Previously 42s)
      • Rare: 28s (Previously 41s)
      • Heroic: 27s (Previously 40s)
      • Legendary: 26s (Previously 39s)
    • Developer's Note: Marid's skill automatically grants a booster at regular intervals, with the frequency increasing the further behind the first place racer falls. Compared to other characters who gain acceleration through their skills, Marid's skill is too insufficient to compete. To address this, adjustments have been made to allow Marid to acquire boosters more quickly in all sections of tracks.
  • Hydrophobic (Rena):
    • Skill Activations has been increased for all ranks:
      • Common: 8 Times (Previously 4)
      • Fine: 9 Times (Previously 5)
      • Rare: 10 Times (Previously 6)
      • Heroic: 11 Times (Previously 7)
      • Legendary: 12 Times (Previously 8)
  • Bombing Shell (Toto): Skill description has been revised with more specific details.
  • The icon animation for skills with limited activation counts has been slightly changed.

Driving Changes

  • The Traction System has been changed:
    • The bonuses to acceleration and maximum speed granted by the Traction System has been decreased.
    • Added a Refill System for Traction:
      • Once a Racer's distance from First Place exceeds a certain threshold, their automatic boost recharge will increase in proportion to the distance.
      • If they fall far enough behind, the Boost Gauge will charge even while boosting.

Game Modes and Matchmaking

Ranked Queue

  • Ranked Queue MP amount has been adjusted:
    • It is now easier to acquire MP when there are large gaps in rank between you and Racers you are matched with.
    • Winning against AI racers will now earn a small amount of MP.
    • Racers that do not complete large portions of a track in Squad Mode will no longer earn MP, even if their team wins the race.
  • Improved matchmaking to make it more likely to be matched against a similarly-ranked Racer.
    • Note: If matchmaking wait times become long enough, the gap in ranks with matched Racers may increase.

Item Mode

  • The Seeker Missile has been added to Item Mode:
    • Seeker Missile: Locks onto and attacks the Racer in 1st Place.

      Seeker Missile Northeu Patch Notes KartRider Drift

  • Booster duration has been increased in Item Mode.
  • An in-game button guide has been added, and can be turned on/off in the [Settings - Gameplay - Display Button Guide ON/OFF] menu.
  • You can now use Select Item even if you have identical items.

Continuous Matchmaking

  • The Matching Stage now has a [Ready] button to let your group start the match faster:
    • If all Racers in the Matched Stage are ready, the race will begin immediately, ignoring the countdown timer.
    • This can be automatically toggled on in the [Settings - General - Matching] menu.
  • Adjusted the popup for not enough remaining Rematching Racers.
  • Upon requesting a rematch, Racers will now be moved to the Matching Stage faster.
  • Minimum number of Racers for a Rematch has been decreased to 2 (previously 4).
  • Rematching is no longer available in Solo mode.

Mode Lab

  • Upcoming Mode Lab schedule is as follows (all periods begin and end at 12:00 AM UTC):
    • Thursday, March 21st - Thursday, March 28th: Solo Crossover Mode
    • Thursday, March 28th - Thursday, April 4th: Squad Infinite Boost Mode
    • Thursday, April 4th - Thursday, April 11th: Squad Crossover Mode
    • Thursday, April 11h - Thursday, April 18th: Flag Mode
    • Thursday, April 18th - Thursday, April 25th: Solo Infinite Boost Mode
    • Thursday, April 25th - Thursday, May 2nd: Solo Crossover Mode
    • Thursday, May 2nd - Thursday, May 9th: Squad Infinite Boost Mode
    • Thursday, May 9th - Thursday, May 16th: Squad Crossover Mode
    • Thursday, May 16th - Thursday, May 23rd: Flag Mode
    • Thursday, May 23rd - Thursday, May 30th: Solo Infinite Boost Mode
    • Thursday, May 30th - Thursday, June 6th: Solo Crossover Mode
  • Character Skills are not available in Mode Lab.

Track and Other Changes

  • World Tour: Rio de Ja-nitro has been changed to a ★★★ track (down from ★★★★).
  • After disconnecting from a race and reconnecting, Racers will be able to matchmake even if the previous race has not yet ended.
  • Forest: Log Leap track has been slightly modified, widening a few parts of the track and adding Boost Zones.

    Forest: Log Leap Boost Zone Northeu Patch Notes KartRider Drift

  • Corner visibility of the following tracks has been improved:
    • Forest: Zigzag Timberland
    • Moonhill: Central Station
    • Moonhill: Lawless Tunnel
    • Moonhill: Mean Streets
    • Moonhill: Streetcar Run

Convenience and Functional Changes

Chat System

  • (PC/Mobile Only) Whispers have been added, allowing 1:1 direct messages with other logged in Racers.
  • (PC/Mobile Only) Chat can continue in the Matching Stage until the loading screen appears.

UI/UX Changes

  • Graphs have been added to better visualize Kart Performance.

    Kart Performance Graph Northeu Patch Notes KartRider Drift

  • A Compare feature has been added, allowing you to compare a selected kart against your currently equipped one.

    Kart Compare Northeu Patch Notes KartRider Drift

  • Mousewheel scrolling has been improved.
  • Your Ranked Queue progress is now displayed when queuing for Item or Speed Mode in Multiplayer.

    Ranked Queue Progress Northeu Patch Notes KartRider Drift

  • Shop Banners and Categories have been changed:
    • Some banners, such as the Racing Pass, have been removed from the Recommended tab.
    • Shop Categories are now Recommended, Kart, Character, Other, and Personal Shop.

      Shop Categories Filters Northeu Patch Notes KartRider Drift

    • Karts and Characters categories have filters that help you find items faster (such as Karts and Emotes).
  • Change Character function in Custom Races and Matching Stage has been improved, taking you to the "All Character" tab, where you can view all owned characters and outfits.

    change character select Northeu Patch Notes KartRider Drift

  • Performance display for Characters and Balloons have been added.

    Character Performance Display Northeu Patch Notes KartRider Drift

    Balloon Performance Display Northeu Patch Notes KartRider Drift

  • Time Attack and Custom Races now have a Track Theme filter to make it easier to find a specific track.
  • Ranked Queue Details - Place now displays Rank information.

Other Changes

  • When cinematic cutscenes are updated, they will automatically play the first time they are encountered.
  • Racing Box animations can now be skipped.
  • KartRider Track background music has been added.
  • Clicking the Next/Previous button at the end/beginning of each tab in the Garage and Characters UI will now loop you around to the first/last tab (for example, selecting the Previous button in [Karts - Accessories - Wheels] will take you to the Tire Marks tab).
  • In-game "View Feature" shortcuts have been unified.
  • (PC Only) The Menu button in the Lobby has been changed to ESC (previously F10).
  • Skill effects of the currently equipped outfit will be displayed when clicking on the Item Mode Skill button.
  • An animation has been added for when you hit an Item Box when your Item Slots are full.

Bug Fixes

  • All popups now close when going from Matching Stage to a loading screen.
  • You can now always use banana items obtained via Kris' Banana Hack skill.
  • While Shield is activated, Kris' Banana Hack skill will now be interrupted and the success effect will be applied to the caster.
  • Fixed an issue where the sound volume was lowered when the Spirit Kid's Ghosted skill was used.
  • In the Racing Boxes View Contents screen, Balloon items will no longer show their Mileage exchange rate instead of the correct value.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Favorites" in Quick Chat may become undone when Racers re-login to the game.
  • Fixed an issue where Balloons still display in Time Attack races, even after "Balloon Display" is set to "OFF".
  • Team boosts can now be used in the [Single Player Challenge - Driving Challenges - Hang Time] mission.
  • Fixed an issue where the Race Start countdown cannot be heard sometimes when Racers activate Voice Chat in Infinite Boost Mode and start a race.
  • (Mobile Only) When chatting, the platform icon will no longer be displayed as Console.
  • Fixed an issue where the menu focus would disappear sometimes when opening the Settings while in a Party.
  • Fixed an issue where Explosive Race and Road's Closed awards may not be counted.
  • Fixed an issue where a sliding effect does not occur when Brian is hit by a Missile or Banana when using an Enhanced Siren.
  • Fixed an issue where going through a portal in [Singleplayer Challenge - Tutorial: Drifting] could cause livery to be disabled.
  • Fixed an issue where the Back button could overalp another button in the Direct Value Input UI for Liveries.
  • Fixed an isue where Mos' Banana stack would not change after being hit by Kris' skill due to Mos' "The More The Merrier" skill.
  • Fixed an issue where Sophia's "Leave Me Alone" skill might fail to disable Rave's skill.
  • Fixed an issue where the head portion of the Sweeper summoned by Tobi's "Help Me, Sweeper!" skill would not be included in the hitbox.
  • Fixed an issue where some Water Bombs would be generated in the incorrect location on certain maps when using Airi's "Water Bomb Bouquet" skill.
  • Desert: Riddling Ruins: Fixed an issue where getting hit by Tobi's Sweeper could cause Racers in certain locations to be knocked out of the map.
  • Forest: Misty Falls: Fixed an issue where certain rocks could be phased through.
  • Forest: Misty Falls: Fixed an issue where the Boost Gauge would be maintained even after collisions.
  • Glacier: Snowbound Slopes: Fixed an issue where the camera's perspective could change and not progress to the next area after getting onto a trolley.
  • Village: Rush Hour: Fixed an issue where Karts could intermittently flip when driving out of a Boost Zone.
  • WKC: Canada Circuit: Fixed an issue where Racers could collide with an invisible wall in some locations.